Friday, June 15, 2012

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Eat Right? Eat Light?

Eating Right? Eating Light?

Summer time is here and temptation is near.  From constant cookout concoctions or the heightened convenience of fast food, we are all faced with the decision of Eating light or Eating Right?  Many have trouble understanding that the key to a healthy summer is finding a reasonable balance between the two. 

You do not want to get stuck in a routine that limits your summer from being enjoyable and exciting, but you also need to avoid a summer filled with instinct driven indulgences that leaves you with the after taste of guilt.

A healthy and realistic initiative to apply to your summer lifestyle is retain as much nutrients as possible while taking in the smallest amount amount of calories along the way.  This may sound more complicated than it truly is, but it can be simply achieved.  Instilling the discipline of eating well balanced and properly proportioned meals can take you a long way.  It may sound elementary, but having and maintaining the proper amounts of meats, fruits, vegetables, whole gains, and dairy products will help lead to a virtually stress free summer.

            Summer Simplicity:
·         Listen to your body. Do not over Eat.
·         Embrace Grilled and Baked foods
·         Indulge in fresh Fruits and Vegetables
·         Quantity & Quality are equally important. Eat smaller portions, more frequently, and well balanced meals  
·         Stay away from added Sugar
·         Drink water before and after meals
·         Seeds, Beans and Nuts are a good thing.

The most important thing to remember is that food is here for you to enjoy, but understand the difference from enjoying and over indulging.  Too much of anything in life, is never a good thing, food is no exception. 

Any questions, Please contact me at